Nov 252018
This was my first time attending Amazon’s reInvent and I surely am able to say that any field in any industry can benefit from attending at least once. Though there are many things I’m taking away from this years reinvent, next time I plan on preparing more to maximize my exposure. Looking forward to amazon’s new services and platforms! #aws #reinvent #engineers #ops #sales
Apr 122018Photo from Left to Right: (Principal Software Engineer) Kelvin Spencer, (Vue Creator) Evan You
Thanks to ARMA/General Dynamics I was to attend the #VueConf2018 conference in New Orleans was an amazing experience. Being able to congregate with fellow engineers, discuss new and old technologies, and even bloviate about the possibilities technology offers to the future was quite refreshing!
See more about the conference at the below link, our founder was quoted expressing his excitement about the Vue framework. written by Kevin Ball